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FFT: Nadia and Alayna

Updated: May 2, 2020

Every Friday at the beginning of class Service Learning Leadership has a Food for Thought. The students presenting bring snacks for the class and do a brief presentation of the material they are sharing with the class regarding leadership. The class is given time to go over the material and reflect, trying to find the meaning behind it and how it relates to the material being taught in class. After, the students presenting prompt three questions to the class to initiate a friendly discussion. Due to the current circumstances, we have decided to share our Food for Thoughts to inspire our readers to talk and share with their loved ones. 

This week’s Food for Thought comes from our world-changers Nadia and Alayna. We hope you enjoy!   

We hope everyone has been doing well and staying safe inside! For our food for thought Friday we wanted to acknowledge that this has probably been a hard couple of weeks for a lot of us and because most, if not all of us, have never experienced a global pandemic and we understand that there can be some anxiety and fear over the unpredictability of the future. However, with the fear, comes love and collaboration. Sometimes it takes a problem to wake people up and remind us that we are ALL in this together. The video we chose for our food for thought shows that right now there are so many tragedies and sadness weighing over this world, and we think we should let ourselves feel those sad things. However, that doesn’t mean we can’t try and find positive moments through these times. This video inspired Nadia and me to spread and share some more love and compassion during these times rather than shut ourselves off. We hope that this video will inspire others also and we hope we can all see each other soon! 

Alayna and Nadia 

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